22 - 23 June 2023
University of Manchester
Programme of the 4th MASS workshop
The provisional programme for the 4th MASS workshop can be found below
Thursday 22 June | |||
9:00 | Opening and welcome | ||
9:30 | Session 1: Accelerometers | ||
Joris Mulder, Seyit Hocuk, Pradeep Kumar (Centerdata – Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Alberto Zezza & Talip Kilic (The World Bank, United Nations) |
Making Time Count: A Time Use Accelerometer Study in Malawi
Mick P. Couper (University of Michigan) and Annette Jäckle (University of Essex) |
Participation and Selection Bias in the SHARE Accelerometer Study (SAS)
Fabio Franzese (SHARE) |
Thigh-worn Accelerometer Measurements: Consistency Across Different Positions
10:30 | Break | ||
11:00 | Session 2: Recruitment for MASS studies | ||
Danielle Remmerswaal (Utrecht University & Statistics Netherlands) |
Effects of study length on response rates and representativity in smartphone travel app of Statistics Netherlands.
Johannes Weber, Stefan Hubrich, Rico Wittwer & Regine Gerike (Technische Universität Dresden) |
Non-Random vs. Register-Based Random Sampling during SARS-CoV-2 – Findings from Two Travel Surveys by Smartphone App in Dresden, Germany
Annette Jäckle (University of Essex), Jonathan Burton (University of Essex), and Mick P. Couper (University of Michigan) |
Protocols to Invite Survey Respondents to Data Collection Using Mobile Apps: Effects of Survey Mode, Incentives and Feedback on Participation Rates and Bias
12:00 | Lunch | ||
13:00 | Session 3: Web tracking, smart meters | ||
Oriol J. Bosch (Department of Methodology, The London School of Economics and Political Science), Melanie Revilla (Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)), Patrick Sturgis and Jouni Kuha (Department of Methodology, The London School of Economics and Political Science) |
Are media exposure measures created with digital trace data any good? An approach to assess and predict the true-score reliability of web tracking data.
Alexander Wenz, Florian Keusch & Ruben L. Bach (University of Mannheim) |
Assessing the quality of digital behavioral data for measuring smartphone use
Alexandru Cernat (University of Manchester), Florian Keusch (Mannheim University), Ruben Bach (Mannheim University) & Paulina K. Pankowska (Utrecht University) |
Estimating measurement quality in digital trace data and surveys using the MultiTrait MultiMethod model
14:00 | Session 4: Participation | ||
Yannick Roos ( Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, Germany), Michael D. Krämer, David Richer & Cornelia Wrzus (German Institute for Economic Research, Germany, International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE), GermanyFreie Universität Berlin, Germany), |
The Interplay of Context and Social Behaviour: A Multi-Method Study Combining Sensor and Experience Sampling Measurements
Annette Jäckle (University of Essex), Jonathan Burton (University of Essex), Mick P. Couper (University of Michigan), and Brienna Perelli-Harris (University of Southampton). |
Participation of household panel members in daily burst measurement using a mobile app: Effects of position of the invitation, bonus incentives, and number of daily questions.
14:40 | Break | ||
15:30 | Keynote 1: Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech) |
Contextual Integrity in Theory and Empirical Application
16:30 | End of day 1 | ||
17:30 | Social activity (at own expense) | ||
19:00 | Dinner | ||
Friday 23 June | |||
9:20 | Session 5: Wearables | ||
Ritika Chaturvedi, Marco Angrisani (University of Southern California) & Mick Couper (University of Michigan) |
Collecting Person-Generated Health Data in a Population-Representative Panel
Kristin Manz, Susanne Krug , Charlotte Kühnelt & Julika Loss (Robert Koch Institute) |
Usage of wearables to collect health-related data and willingness to donate these data for research purposes – Results of a nationwide survey among adults living in Germany
Arie Kapteyn (Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California), Htay-Wah Saw (Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California & Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science (MPSDS), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) & Bas Weerman (Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California) |
Measuring Air Quality with Wearable Devices
10:30 | Break | ||
11:00 | Session 6: App design | ||
Ricardo González (LEAS at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez), Dörte Naber (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences), Adolfo Fuentes (University of Edinburgh & LEAS at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez) |
Motivations and barriers to survey participation in a smartphone-based travel app study: Evidence from in-depth interviews in Chile
Laurel Fish (University College London |
Using an Innovative Smartphone App (BabySteps) for Data Collection and Participant Engagement on a Large-scale Birth Cohort Study
Barry Schouten & Anne Elevelt (Statistics Netherlands |
How active should respondents be in smart surveys? Two case studies
12:00 | Lunch | ||
13:00 | Keynote 2: Kate Cagney (University of Michigan) |
The Promise of Activity Space Approaches: Urban/Rural Comparisons and Implications for Research on Context
14:00 | Break | ||
14:20 | Session 7: Geolocation data | ||
Peter van der Mede (Dat.Mobility) |
The Dutch Travel Panel: How does it work?
Liang Cai (University of Chicago), Christopher Browning (Ohio State University), Kathleen Cagney (University of Michigan) |
Exposure of Neighborhood Racial Composition in Activity Space: A New Approach Adjusting for Residential Segregation
Caroline Winkler, Adrian Meister, Dr. Basil Schmid, Prof. Dr. Kay W. Axhausen (Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland) |
Study design and lessons learned from conducting a four-week app-based diary study in Switzerland
Danielle McCool (Utrecht University/Statistics Netherlands), Barry Schouten (Statistics Netherlands & Utrecht University), Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University) |
Imputing missing mobility data in the 2018 Smartphone Travel Diary Study
15:40 | Break | ||
16:00 | Session 8: improving social data with new types of data | ||
Jan Karem Höhne (DZHW; University of Hannover), Timo Lenzner (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences), Konstantin Gavras (Nesto Software GmbH) |
Innovating web probing: Comparing written and oral answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey
Laura Boeschoten , Rense Corten (Utrecht University), Stein Jongerius, Joris Mulder (Centerdata, Tilburg University), Adrienne Mendrik (EYRA), Emiel van der Veen (Eyra), Arnoud Wijnant (Centerdata), Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University) |
Digital trace data collection from WhatsApp through data donation
16:40 | Closing session | ||
17:00 | End of workshop |